Shop Lashes - How To Pick The Right Style Of Lashes For You
With so many different types and styles of lashes now it can be a daunting task figuring out where to shop and what to wear. Especially for those that are new to wearing lashes and don't know where to start! Here is our go to guide for when you want to shop lashes!
1. Pick the right materials
- We recommend staying away from cheaper brands of lashes as they only get one wear, and can look quite fake on the eye. In addition to this they can be very uncomfortable and cause irritation. For beginners, getting a good quality lash is easier to apply and with proper care can last up to 25 wears. Our go to is a silk lash with a cotton band.
2. Choose right for your eye type
- Choosing the right style of lash for your eye is the most important part. If you have small eyes and you get huge lashes you can come off looking ridiculous. On the other hand, if you have very large, deep set eyes and you choose a natural style you may not even notice them. We love this guide
here to help pick the right false lashes for your eye shape.
3. Know your own lashes
- What do your natural lashes look like? Are they straight, curled, short or long? This is a good foundation to build on when selecting a style.
4. Know your own personal style
- Know what kind of look you are going for and want to achieve. Do you want sexy bombshell, or natural girl next door?

Check out all of our styles of lashes and adhesives
here or contact us directly for help selecting a style, Happy shopping gorgeous! xo